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Anwar Ibrahim: "I’ll be happy to support the reform agenda"

Malaysias former deputy leader Anwar Ibrahim in an interview with DW-RADIO


Former Malaysian deputy leader Anawr Ibrahim said he will enter politics again even if a five year ban he is currently under isn’t overturned."I would consider the ban totally unjust and unacceptable", Anwar said in an interview with the Englisch programme of DW-RADIO. "It is all politically orchestrated, the charges, the conviction and the ban" the politician, who underwent a back surgery in Munich last monday, added.

Anwar Ibrahim was freed from six years in prison on September 2nd after Malaysia’s Federal Court repealed a conviction for sodomy. The court on Tuesday said it would rule September 15 on an appeal to overturn the related corruption conviction as well. The reform process in Malaysia had seen some "moves towards the right direction" under the new prime minister Abduallah Badawi, Anwar added on the German international broadcasting service. "But he is now steward of a very corrupt political system." At the same time, Anwar said he was ready "to support the reform agenda."

9th of September 2004