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Part Six - One Year Later / Part 1

26. Juli 2011

After they were born, Celia and Helen’s babies were tested for HIV. To their mothers’ great relief, they tested negative. Now, a year later, the babies are due another test.

Bild: DW-TV

GLOBAL 3000 visited Célia and Helena again to find out how they and the children were getting on and how they were coping with the disease in everyday life.

04.07.2011 DW -TV Global 3000 mosambik 1
Bild: DW-TV

Helena is bringing her children up alone again now. She works as a domestic help. The baby’s father threw her out because he didn’t have a job and couldn’t support her. For weeks she fought for the life of her young son – he was very sick and lost a lot of weight. A lot has changed for Celia as well. She’s left her children in the care of her parents and sees them only once a week on her day off. She’s worried about her baby’s health.