Dealing With Abuse Allegations | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 01.06.2004
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Dealing With Abuse Allegations

A German group claims nuns, priests and educators in children's homes systematically abused the young people there. DW-WORLD asked readers how church officials should react.

Scene from The Magdalene Sisters

Scene from "The Magdalene Sisters"

Come out and admit it happened and apologize for it, because I think the majority of the former children just want that, not financial compensation like the former children in the United States want. -- Cecil L. Means, U.S.

I believe that allegations of abuse in the church must be followed up as they would be in a non-religious environment. Those who are proven to be abusive in any fashion must be punished. -- Elisabeth Kolenko, Canada

I hope the abused children will come forward with their abuse stories either to their school teachers, churches and the authorities. I hope the abusers can be brought to account for their past behavior and why they abused young children in their care. I lived in a children's home in Britain until I was 10 years old and was so lucky not to be abused back in the early Forties and Fifties. I feel for these abused children in Germany and only hope that their stories will bring justice to the abused few around the world. -- Norman Smith, Melbourne, Australia

I had 24 years of abuse in two different orders of nuns in Catholic orphanages. The abuse is world wide and we want justice to be done for us: 30,000 children in Australia, 40,000 children in Ireland. The abuse in New Zealand started the time they opened the doors in 1920s to 1980s and it was between these years we came together to fright or our justice. -- Ann Thompson

Abuses to children is quite common not only to priest or nuns, but to most adults which one way or another experience the same thing while they were young. They are usually thinking it is permitted or it is okay. Adults with records of abuse should undergo a therapy session or counselling. And if repeated, a criminal penalty should be given. -- Filomeno Ybañez

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