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Karin Helmstaedt

January 22, 2019

DW Arts and Culture Moderatorin Karin Helmstaedt (Artikelbild)

Born in:
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

English, French, German

Degrees/Journalistic Experience:
B.A. in Literary Studies (University of Toronto)
Diplôme French Language & Literature (Université Sorbonne, Paris)
Freelance journalist since 1994

With DW since:

My favourite quote:
“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart.” (Erma Bombeck)

My personal hero:
Nelson Mandela

What do I strive to be as a journalist?
A storyteller and a humanist

7 random things about me:
1. I love to eat.
2. My favourite element: water
3. I used to sing in a band in Berlin.
4. I can't go a week without maple syrup.
5. I’m a travel and language junkie.
6. I like the first three rows at the cinema.
7. I have a faible for CanLit, Canadian rock & roll and fiddleheads