Broadcasting Council | Organization | DW | 22.03.2024
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Broadcasting Council

According to § 32 of the DW Act, the Broadcasting Council represents the interests of the general public and supervises the compliance of DW with general program guidelines.

The DW headquarters in Bonn

The DW headquarters in Bonn

The Broadcasting Council elects the Director General and advises him/her in matters relating to the programming. The 17 unpaid members of the committee come from politics, business and society. The tenure of the current council (members listed below) began in March 2014.


Dr. Karl Jüsten, Chair
Commissioner of the German Catholic Bishops Conference, nominated by the Catholic Church

Sibylle Spoo, Deputy Chair
Head of Division at the trade union ver.di (ret.),
nominated by the German Trade Union Central Organisations

Claudia Roth
Minister of State for Culture and the Media, nominated by the German Federal Government


Marco Wanderwitz
Member of the German Bundestag (CDU)
Chair of the Distribution Committee


Helge Lindh
nominated by the German Bundestag


Dr. Achim Dercks
Deputy Managing Director of of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), nominated in agreement with the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA)


Professor Dr. Carola Richter 
Free University of Berlin, nominated by the German Rectors' Conference



Vera Szackamer
Member of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Central Council in Germany
Chair of the DW Akademie Committee


Frank Kopania
Executive Director Global Ministries, Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)
Budget rapporteur



Prof. Christian Höppner
President of the German Culture Council, nominated by the German Culture Council
Chair of the Program Committee
Budget rapporteur



Dr. Bärbel Kofler

Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, nominated by the German Federal Government



Katja Keul
Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, nominated by the German Federal Government


Ulrike Hiller
Former State Councilor, nominated by the German Bundesrat, Upper House of the German Parliament


Markus Ulbig
Minister of State (ret.), nominated by the German Bundesrat, Upper House of the German Parliament


Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel
Chair of the Management Board, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), nominated by GIZ



Torsten Burmester
Secretary General / CEO of the German Olympic Sports Confederation,
nominated by the German Olympic Sports Confederation