Yusuf Omar at the Global Media Forum 2017 | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 26.05.2017
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Yusuf Omar at the Global Media Forum 2017

Meet the award-winning Senior Social Producer of CNN Digital Worldwide in Bonn

Mastering a mobile storytelling, Omar has used mobile technology to report serious news stories that were usually covered in a far more conventional way. Mobile journalism was also what he seriously worked on in 2010 before joining CNN.

The Syrian war and the #ZumaMustFall protests in Johannesburg, South Africa, were some of the hard news that he exposed using small-screen devices. Making a completely good use of social media, he even used face filters on Snapchat to hide the identities of rape survivors in India while recording their stories. 

Having been named Mobile Journalist of the Year in 2016, Omar recently was a Mobile Editor at the Hindustan Times in India, where he managed to build the world’s largest mobile journalism team and train more than 600 reporters in telling stories using mobile devices.