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新聞。時事報導:內蒙開礦糾紛造成血案;反思拉薩事件才能理解西藏。 然後是一周香港媒體報導摘要和聽眾園地專欄

epa02744778 View of the protest camp installed at the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid, Spain, 21 May 2011, on the day prior to the elections in which no political claims can be made. Last 15 May 2011 a group of people started to protest by camping in the Puerta del Sol square in the center of Madrid against the corruption, the unemployment and the economical crisis amongst other issues. The Spanish electoral board banned the protests on 21 May due to the Spanish Electoral Law that forbids any type of political events on the day before the elections to respect people's right to think about their vote. Protesters argue they do not represent any political party so they will keep camping on squares around the country, despite the ban, demanding changes in the Spanish Electoral Law so minority parties can really compete for a seat. The so called "Spanish Revolution" has spread over the world to Spaniards living abroad that support their compatriots from the distance. EPA/J.C. HIDALGO +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
西班牙馬德里示威民眾搭建的營地圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa