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今天的節目中,新聞簡訊之後我們關注: -溫家寶啟程訪歐 德國欲談人權問題; -艾未未獲保釋 中國官方動機不明; -甘孜藏區數十名藏人被警方扣押; -美國關注南海爭議 加強與菲律賓軍事關係。 以及簡訊平台與德語報刊摘要欄目。歡迎收聽。

FILE - In this Oct. 6, 2010 file photo, China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao addresses the audience at the 6th EU China business summit in Brussels. The Chinese prime minister has called for cha nge to China's political system repeatedly in the past few months. (AP Photo/Yves Logghe, File)
圖片來源: AP
