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「Adobe」遭駭客侵襲 近300萬客戶訊息被盜

epa03895031 (FILE) The Adobe Systems World Headquarters in San Jose, California, USA, 11 January 2013. Software company Adobe, which makes and sells popular software such as Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat, said 03 October 2013 that hackers had stolen the data and credit card details of 2.9 million customers. In a further blow to the company, the unidentified hackers also stole the source code for a number of Adobe products. EPA/JOHN G. MABANGLO
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


知名軟體公司「Adobe」遭到駭客攻擊。該公司宣佈,約有290萬公司客戶的訊息資料被盜,其中包括姓名、密碼和已經加密的信用卡帳號資料。「Adobe告知其客戶應重新設置密碼,並要通知銀行密切注意和Adobe公司有關的轉賬訊息。該公司的主要產品包括圖形圖像處理軟體「Photoshop」以及可以打開並處理類型PDF內容的"Acrobat Reader"