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SAINT PETERSBURG - SEPTEMBER 05: In this handout image provided by Host Photo Agency, heads of state and international organizations attend the first working meeting of the G20 summit on September 5, 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The G20 summit is expected to be dominated by the issue of military action in Syria while issues surrounding the global economy, including tax avoidance by multinationals, will also be discussed duing the two-day summit. (Photo by Ramil Sitdikov/Host Photo Agency via Getty Images)
圖片來源: Ramil Sitdikov/Host Photo Agency/Getty Images


俄羅斯政府認為,美國對敘動武計劃在G20聖彼得堡峰會上沒有得到多數支持。據國際文傳電訊社報導,克里姆林宮發言人佩斯科夫(Dmitri Peskow)周五(9月6日)表示,G20與會者相互之間的會談結果證實,有關軍事幹預內戰國家敘利亞,存在不同立場,贊同者和反對者數量基本持平。佩斯科夫指出,東道主普丁總統同英國首相卡梅倫就敘利亞危機舉行了磋商,但未能與美國總統歐巴馬單獨會談。G20峰會今天結束。