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Kalashnikov assault rifles and a couple of heavy machine guns are lines up against a wall at one of Mogadishu four open-air markets, Monday, July 9, 2001. As the United Nations discusses what to do about the world's illegal small arms trade, it is business as usual at the gun markets for traders who supply arms to eastern and central Africa. Somalia became a magnet for small arms and munitions after President Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted by clan-based faction leaders in January 1991. (AP Photo/Osman Hassan)
圖片來源: AP


聯合國安理會昨天(9月26日)表決通過關於限制小型武器貿易的首個決議。決議要求所有國家簽署關於常規武器的新協定、更嚴格履行現行武器禁運措施。俄羅斯是全部15個成員中唯一一個投棄權票的國家。安理會本月輪值主席、澳洲外长比肖璞(Julie Bischop)在決議草案獲通過後表示,安理會早應制定和通過相關決議,小型武器同恐怖主義、海盜行為和有組織刑事犯罪密切相連,對致力於全球和平的努力構成威脅。俄羅斯曾要求在決議中寫入也禁止向非政府組織提供小型武器的內容,但未成功。俄方所指的非政府組織包括敘利亞境內的反對派。