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Czech president Milos Zeman (C) delivers a speech on August 7, 2013 in the Czech Parliament in Prague ahead of a confidence vote on the new technocrat government. Appointed by President Milos Zeman on July 10, 2013 the government of leftwing economist Jiri Rusnok replaced a centre-right coalition cabinet that was toppled by a bribery and spy scandal in June. AFP PHOTO / MICHAL CIZEK (Photo credit should read MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images

捷克議會決定自行解散,從而為重現選舉鋪平了道路。在布拉格議會,多數議員投票贊成提前選舉。預計選舉將在10月下旬舉行。上周,議員們對總理魯斯諾克( Rusnok)領導的過渡政府失去信任。自6月以來,捷克陷入政府危機。當時的總理內恰斯(Necas)和他的內閣因捲入腐敗醜聞辭職。