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Radical Islamist movement Ansar al-Shariah supporters clash with Tunisian police officers after Tunisia's Interior Ministry on Friday banned their annual conference supposed to be held in Kairouan, in Ettadhamen, near Tunis, Sunday May 19, 2013. Massive numbers of Tunisian police and army surrounded Tunisia's religious center of Kairouan to prevent a conference by a radical Islamist movement that has been implicated in attacks around the country. (AP Photo/Nawfel)
圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo


突尼斯當局再度延長「國家緊急狀態」。該國總統馬祖基(Moncef Marzouki)當地時間周一(6月3日)晚間簽署了關於延長實施「緊急狀態」一個月至下月初的決定。根據「緊急狀態法」,安全力量有權在涉嫌人士拒捕時開槍。突尼斯是被稱為「阿拉伯之春」的民眾抗議運動的起源地。自長期執政的本阿裡總統2011年一月被推翻以來,該國實施緊急狀態法,迄今已多次延長。