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U.S. under secretary of state for the Middle East affairs, William Burns, talks at a news conference following his meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak,in Cairo Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004.The lightning visit to Egypt was for talks with senior Egyptian officials on the latest developments in the area and also touched on preparations for a projected conference on Iraq to be hosted by Egypt. At background the Egyptian Presidency logo. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
圖片來源: AP


美國副國務卿伯恩斯(William Burns)計劃周一(7月15日)在開羅同埃及過渡政府成員、公民社會和企業的代表會晤,成為前總統穆爾西本月3日被推翻以來訪埃的首位西方國家政府高官。美國和聯邦德國日前均敦促埃及現當局釋放穆爾西。穆爾西目前被軍方扣押在一個秘密地點。位於開羅解放廣場附近的美國駐埃及大使館今天恢復對外辦公。6月30日爆發大規模民眾抗議浪潮後,美國曾一度關閉駐埃及使館,並將部分工作人員撤往境外。另據報導,穆爾西的支持者和反對者今天分別計劃進行新的大規模示威活動。