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U.N. vehicles transporting a team of United Nations chemical weapons experts arrive in Damascus August 18, 2013. A team of United Nations chemical weapons experts, led by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, arrived in Damascus on Sunday to investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war. President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels fighting him have accused each other of using chemical weapons, a step which the United States had said would cross a "red line" in a conflict which has killed 100,000 people.The U.N. team, including weapons experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, will try to establish only whether chemical weapons including sarin and other toxic nerve agents were used, not who used them. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT)
图像来源: Reuters


在联合国公布了关于叙利亚化武攻击事件报告后,俄罗斯对联合国化武核查专家提出批评,称他们“政治化、有偏见、单方面”。来访的俄罗斯副外长亚布科夫(Sergej Rjabkow)周三(9月18日)在大马士革指控核查专家撰写了一份“有选择性的和不完整的报告”,没有调查另外3次化武攻击行为。亚布科夫称,叙当局向俄方提供了可证明叛乱武装实施了“8.21”化武攻击的证据。俄方将研究这些证据。亚布科夫同时再度抨击西方要求对叙当局采取严厉惩罚措施。