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厄立特里亚火山喷发 东非裂谷地质活动频繁



This aerial photo shows a plume of ash rising from the volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier, Monday, April 19, 2010. Scientists say because this volcano is located below a glacial ice cap, magma is being cooled quickly, causing explosions and plumes of grit that can be catastrophic to plane engines, depending on prevailing winds. But scientists in Iceland offered some hope Monday that conditions might be easing, saying the new volcanic ash plume is lower, which would pose less of a threat to commercial aircraft in the future. (AP Photo/Arnar Thorisson, Helicopter.is) ** ICELAND OUT ** ** zu unserem KORR. *
图像来源: AP

东非的纳布罗火山喷发让科学家大吃一惊。此前,该火山并没有显现出即将喷发的征兆。纳布罗火山沉寂许久,上一次喷发估计还是15 000年前的事。此外,对"非洲之角"的地质研究工作目前还很欠缺。

冰岛等国都已建成了密集的观测站,但在厄立特里亚等东非国家却缺少这类科研基础设施。德国波茨坦地质研究中心的火山学家瓦尔特(Thomas Walter)认为,如果能够取得当地的第一手观测数据,就有可能预测出火山的喷发时间。不过他也指出,以目前的技术手段,尚不能准确预测火山喷发的持续时间及规模。

Nabro, a stratovolcano in the northeast African nation of Eritrea, rumbled to life late in the evening on June 12, 2011, following a series of earthquakes. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite captured this natural-color image the next day. Initial reports from news agencies and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center in Toulouse, France, proclaimed the eruption to be occurring at Dubbi, a volcano further south. But later reports from volcanologists, field scientists, and the satellite image above appear to confirm the eruption at Nabro. There are no historical reports of eruptions at Nabro before today. The volcano is part of a larger complex with several nested calderas nearby. It is part of the East African Rift, where the African continent is slowly pulling apart due to tectonic plate movements.
纳布罗火山喷发卫星照片图像来源: NASA




作者:Helga Hansen 编译:文山
