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An Independent Electoral Commission official holds ballot papers at a polling station in Lome on July 25, 2013 during Togo's parliamentary elections delayed by months of protests, with the opposition seeking to weaken the ruling family's decades-long grip on power. The polls mark the latest step in the impoverished country's transition to democracy after Gnassingbe Eyadema's rule from 1967 to his death in 2005, when the military installed his son Faure Gnassingbe as president. Today's elections are the first legislative polls since 2007, when Gnassingbe's party won 50 of 81 seats. Ninety-one seats are decided this time. AFP PHOTO/PIUS UTOMI EKPEI (Photo credit should read PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP/Getty Images)
Togo Wahlen图像来源: Getty Images/AFP/Pius Utomi Ekpei
