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epa03633724 A picture released by the North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 20 March 2013 saying the North Korean army is completely ready to fight against South Korea and the United States. North Korea threatened to attack US bases in Japan and on Guam 21 March 2013 in reaction to flights by US B-52 bombers in South Korea during joint manoeuvres, while the Stalinist state also activated air raid alerts. The North Korean army's command accused the United States of preparing for a nuclear war in its ongoing exercises with the South Korean military. EPA/KCNA SOUTH KOREA OUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Nordkorea erklärt Kriegszustand图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

尽管朝鲜方面不断发出新的军事威胁,美国政府认为至今没有迹象表明平壤要将这些尖锐的战争言论付诸实践。白宫总统府一名发言人表示,朝鲜方面目前尚无战争动员的迹象,他还强调,这是平壤惯用的威胁战术。尽管如此,美方仍然谨慎对待局势动态。两架F-22隐形轰炸机,以及装载了导弹和监控雷达的菲茨杰拉德号驱逐舰(USS Fitzgerald)都已经在危机地区部署就位。在朝鲜领导人金正恩在此对美国和韩国发出战争威胁之后,韩国方面也开始采取强硬态度。总统朴瑾惠向军队下令,一旦北方出现挑衅行动,须立刻作出有力的回击,无须"考虑政治后果"。