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LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 01: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher waves to the press at her home, after leaving Cromwell Hospital on November 1, 2010 in London, England. Baroness Thatcher was admitted to hospital 12 days ago after contracting flu, she missed a party at Downing Street on October 14, 2010 to celebrate her 85th birthday because of her illness. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
Margaret Thatcher图像来源: Getty Images

英国保守党政治家,前首相玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)周一(4月8日)因突发中风在家中去世,享年87岁。撒切尔夫人的发言人贝尔爵士(Lord Bell)在伦敦宣布了这一消息。撒切尔夫人在1979年至1990年间担任英国首相,是英国历史上第一位女性政府首脑。英国女王伊丽莎白二世和首相卡梅伦都对撒切尔夫人的去世表达了哀悼。首相发言人宣布,卡梅伦将缩短原定于本周的访问欧洲大陆的行程。