2007年12月7日德国之声中文广播晚间第一次节目(上) | 内容提要 | DW | 07.12.2007



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African Union soldiers patrol the West Darfur town of Mukjar, Sudan Sunday, April 22, 2007. Mukjar offers a sobering look at the results of a government victory: Impoverished and frightened ethnic Africans huddle in refugee camps where they survive on humanitarian aid, while Arab nomads control the hinterland, threatening any farmer who tries to return. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

African Union soldiers patrol the West Darfur town of Mukjar, Sudan Sunday, April 22, 2007. Mukjar offers a sobering look at the results of a government victory: Impoverished and frightened ethnic Africans huddle in refugee camps where they survive on humanitarian aid, while Arab nomads control the hinterland, threatening any farmer who tries to return. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

  • 日期 07.12.2007
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  • 日期 07.12.2007
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  • 固定链接 https://p.dw.com/p/CYky