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Overstocked Toyota Corollas and trucks sit on a lot which was formerly a Ford dealership which has closed Friday, Dec. 5, 2008, in Hayward, Calif. Amid fresh assembly line layoffs, congressional Democrats and the White House reached for agreement Friday on about $15 billion in bailout loans for the beleaguered auto industry. President George W. Bush warned that at least one of the Big Three carmakers might not survive the current economic crisis. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)
Symbolbild USA Finanzkrise Konjunktur Toyota图像来源: AP

日本汽车制造商丰田在全球召回7百万辆汽车。该公司在东京宣布,花冠( Corolla)和卡美瑞(Camry)两款车型的车窗电动驱动装置可能引发火灾。丰田公司过去几年因技术问题和安全缺陷召回数千万辆汽车。2010年,该公司因油门不灵、踏垫太滑召回8百万辆车回厂检修。