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Vocational Education and Training - Germany's Dual System as a Role Model?

3. März 2012

"Learning from practical experience for practical use" - this brief formula summarizes the aim of Germany's dual vocational education and training (VET) system.

In Ägypten hat man gute Erfahrungen mit dem dualen Bildungssystem nach deutschem Vorbild gemacht. Hier ein ägyptischer Unternehmer mit einer Ausbildungsberaterin – auch hier betreut die GTZ die Projekte. Foto: gtz – freigegeben für DW
Bild: GTZ

It combines education in vocational schools and practical work experience in companies where training takes place. For German businesses, this system is the central source of skilled labor and a very important location factor. For young people it provides the basis for a successful start into working life. It is a major factor in Germany's comparatively low rate of youth unemployment.

Other countries often look closely at Germany's dual education system when reforming their own VET systems, which aim to reduce high youth unemployment, link vocational training more closely to the workplace and make it more demand-oriented. Germany has established close cooperation with many countries interested in the dual VET system. In addition, many German companies operating abroad have launched initiatives to implement elements of the dual system there. However, only a few countries have a thorough dual VET system in place.

The intention of this workshop is to give participants the opportunity to learn more about the German dual vocational training system and to discuss its merits with representatives of the practical training scheme. The workshop will also address the question of how to handle the increasing demand on dual VET constructions abroad in terms of the necessary support structures. It will deal with questions such as: What kinds of experiences have companies made with different kinds of VET systems? What are the merits and advantages of the dual VET system? Is it a role model? Why do companies get involved and invest in the system? What has been the experience of German companies when trying to implement dual elements in foreign locations? What role do associations such as the worldwide Network of German Chambers of Commerce (AHK) play? How can elements of the German dual system be transferred to other countries? Where are best-practice examples? What are the system's limits?