59 "W" question words

Many question words in German begin with the letter "w." Learn the most important question words.

Wer bist du? ‒ Who are you?

Wie geht es dir? ‒ How are you?

Was ist das? ‒ What is this?

Wie viel kostet das? ‒ How much does it cost?

Wo wohnst du? ‒ Where do you live?

Warum lachst du? ‒ Why are you laughing?

Wann öffnet der Supermarkt? ‒ When does the supermarket open?

Wohin gehst du? ‒ Where are you going?

Woher kommst du? ‒ Where do you come from?

Wen suchst du? ‒ Who are you looking for?

Für wen ist das? ‒ For whom is this?

Von wem ist das Lied? ‒ Who is this song by?

Wem gehört das? ‒ Who owns this?