Conflict in “Kulmeria”- A media and conflict simulation | DW Global Media Forum | DW | 03.03.2015
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Conflict in “Kulmeria”- A media and conflict simulation

Hosted by thevisionmachine
Tuesday, June 23 / Room D

Conflict in “Kulmeria” is an interactive, real-time, multi-player computer simulation that models the real-world impact of media reporting of conflict on public opinion and foreign policy. Logging onto a dedicated website with wireless devices, participants in small groups role-play either state or non-state actors engaged in political conflict. Each decision a player makes has an impact on media reporting of the conflict and public perceptions. As the conflict develops, other media interventions introduce greater complexity to the conflict’s representation, including whistleblower material, hostage videos, user-generated content, and an inflammatory pro-war, anti-Islamic country music hit. The simulation will be facilitated by the game designers and projected onto a large screen in real time to invite discussion with participants and broader audiences that can watch online.

The hosting organization – thevisionmachine – is an international collective of scholars, media producers, journalists and artists using a wide range of emerging media platforms to critically examine the complex ecology of war, peace, and media.