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Changes inside DW-AKADEMIE.



Dieter Beheng
joined the DW-AKADEMIE 39 years ago when one division was then known as the DW Radio Training Centre. A multi-linguist sound engineer and a wizard in all types of radio studios, he has set up community radio stations and taught skills including broadcasting technology, drama and digital radio production. His work as a project manager and trainer has taken him through Africa, Latin America, and – his passion – Asia. After living out of a suitcase for almost four decades, Dieter Beheng now plans to unpack it in Cologne. Thank you, Dieter, for making us all sound that much better.

01.2008 DW-Akademie Portrait Beheng
Dieter BehengImage: DW
01.2008 DW-Akademie Portrait Rochol
Arno RocholImage: DW

When not conducting workshops in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America and Africa, journalist and project manager, Arno Rochol, could be found in his office planning his next project and sipping a cuia of mate tea. Before joining DW-AKADEMIE six years ago, he worked as an editor for DW-Radio’s Brazilian Service and had conducted long-term projects in Mozambique, Ecuador and Brazil. A writer and passionate believer in environmental conservation, he has taught workshops on environmental reporting, local development, election, business and sports reporting. True to his motto “Make two worlds one because one is all we have”, Arno Rochol will be commuting between southern Germany and Brazil. Go well, Arno, and thank you.