Flash-Galerie Deutsche Seele Kultur

Lesson 74: Asking for something – um etwas bitten

If you want something it is more elegant to ask for it politely. Expand your vocabulary with the Audio Tutor. Here you can learn new words and improve your pronunciation.

Fill in the gaps.

Can you cut my hair? – Können Sie mir die Haare schneiden?

Not too short, please. – Nicht zu kurz, bitte.

A bit shorter, please. – Etwas kürzer, bitte.

Can you develop the pictures? – _____________________

The pictures are on the CD. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Can you fix the clock? – _____________________

The glass is broken. – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Can you iron the shirt? – _____________________

Can you clean the pants? – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Do you have a light? – _____________________

Do you have a match or a lighter? – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________

Do you smoke cigars? – _____________________

Do you smoke cigarettes? – _____________________

_____________________ – _____________________