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Romania: the old coal pits

March 25, 2013

The idyllic Jiu Valley in southwestern Romania is a region of utter social poverty. As mine pits close here, livelihoods are dying and unemployment is growing. There's little or no help from the state.

Kaelte und Kohle im Schiltal in Rumaenien - 20120203_PD5341
Image: picture alliance/Herrgott Ricardo/Verlagsgruppe News/picturedesk.com

During the Ceausescu era tens of the thousand of mineworkers were employed in the Jiu mines. Most of them were unskilled men from other parts of the country. But the turn of the millennium saw the first pit closures and unhappy miners marched on the government buildings in Bucharest. Today these men have given up protesting and are left living in dilapidated residential silos, digging with their bare hands for coal to heat their homes for their families.

Im idyllischen Schiltal in den rumänischen Karpaten herrscht sozialer Notstand. Der traditionelle Bergbau wird abgewickelt, die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt. Hilfe vom Staat gibt es kaum. Die Bergarbeiter leben in heruntergekommenen Wohnsilos, graben zum Teil auf eigene Faust nach Kohle, damit die Familie heizen kann. ***Achtung! Sehr schlechte Qualität!*** zugeliefert von: Susanne Richter Quelle: DW Eigendreh
Image: DW