The Herder Publishing House | Press | DW | 13.02.2013
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The Herder Publishing House

Showing on DW television in English, German and Spanish, starting on March 12

The Herder family's publishing house has put out work by names as prominent as Pope Benedict XVI and Angela Merkel. Founded in 1801, the company has remained completely in family hands for over six generations. Religion is one of the most important pillars of the business, which is based in the town of Freiburg im Breisgau. Managing director Manuel Herder says the main focus areas are faith, values and education. Being quick off the mark is part of the publisher's strategy. For example, Herder's book on the Fukushima nuclear disaster was on the shelves ahead of other publications on the subject.

TV magazine: Made in Germany
Find out more about the German and Spanish versions of the show.

Broadcast times (UTC/GMT):

In English

March 12 21:30
March 13 3:00, 9:30, 14:30
March 14 7:30, 18:00

DW (Europe)
March 13 3:00, 14:30
March 14 7:30, 18:00

In German

DW (Europe)
March 12 22:30
March 13 10:30

DW (Amerika)
March 12 22:00
March 13 2:00, 12:00, 18:00
March 14 15:30

DW (Asien)
March 13 1:00, 4:30, 16:00
March 14 6:30

In Spanish

DW (Latinoamérica)
March 13 1:30, 17:30
March 14 14:00, 22:30

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


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