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Çin çölleşmeyle mücadele ediyor (2011/31)

5 Ağustos 2011

Nihat Halıcı tarafından hazırlanan programda, topraklarının 2 milyon 600 bin kilometrekarelik alanı çöllerle kaplı olan Çin'deki zorlukla ilerleyen çölleşmeyi önleme çalışmaları ele alınıyor.

Chinese tourists ride camels in the desert in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, north eastern China, 04 July 2008. Dunhuang was a major point of interchange between China and the outside world during the Han and Tang dynasties. Located near the historic junction of the Northern and Southern Silk Roads, it was a town of military importance. Edges of the city are threatened with being engulfed by the expansion of the Kumtag Desert, which is resulting from longstanding overgrazing of surrounding lands. Foto: EPA/OLIVER WEIKEN +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Seidenstraße China Kamele Reise Dunhuang WüsteFotoğraf: picture alliance/dpa

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