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重慶公安局四人認罪 谷案庭審疑問重重 美國器官移植:捐贈者雖多,黑市依然在 順藤摸瓜 亞洲「開花」 卡扎菲反對者當選議長

A police officer stands guard at the Hefei City Intermediate People's Court where the murder trial of Gu Kailai, wife of ousted Chinese politician Bo Xilai, takes place Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012 in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. Gu stood trial Thursday for the murder of a British former associate in a tightly orchestrated proceeding that marks a key step to resolving the messiest scandal the leadership has faced in two decades. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
2012年8月10日德國之聲中文廣播晚間節目音頻圖片來源: Reuters


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