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時事焦點: 「斯巴達」第二季:一夜再回十八大前、學者聯署抗議中共網路封殺公民建言、天安門母親: 新領導人不能再繞開「六四「、「兩會」或確認中國外交人事變動、 安倍:用「鐵娘子」馬島立場表決心; 德語媒體看中國

BEIJING, CHINA: People supporting pro-democracy students occupy Tiananmen Square gather early morning 21 May 1989 in Tiananmen Square in Beijing despite the Martial Law which was proclaimed 20 May by Chinese government. In a show of force, 04 June, China's leaders vented their fury and frustration on student dissidents and their pro-democracy supporters. Several hundred people have been killed and thousands wounded when soldiers moved on Tiananmen Square during a violent military crackdown ending six weeks of student demonstrations. (Photo credit should read THOMAS CHENG/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Thomas Cheng/AFP/Getty Images
