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Arak, IRAN: A general view of a heavy water plant in Arak, 320 kms south of Tehran, 26 August 2006. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad opened a heavy water plant today that will feed a new research reactor, just five days before a UN Security Council deadline to suspend sensitive nuclear fuel cycle work. Inaugurating the facility along with the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, and his deputy, Mohammad Saeedi, Ahmadinejad vowed the Iranian people would defend their rights to nuclear technology 'with force'. AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images/AFP/Atta Kenare


有關同國際社會的核談判,德黑蘭當局持樂觀態度。據伊朗法爾斯通訊社周三(11月13日)報導,該國原子能機構負責人薩利希(Ali-Akbar Salehi)稱,該國日前同國際原子能機構達成的新的合作路線圖雖主要涉及技術層面,但將對在政治層面達成一致產生積極影響,有助於在同六國集團(聯合國安理會5個常任理事國加德國)的核談判中達成共識。根據本周一同國際原子能機構達成的合作路線圖,伊朗允許該機構專家進入位於伊朗中部地區的阿拉克(Arak)重水反應堆工地和加欣(Gachin)鈾礦視察,並事先從伊朗獲得有關該國核計劃的具體訊息。同六國集團的會談將於下周三在日內瓦繼續舉行。