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FILE - This is a Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 file photo of Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing extremist who confessed to a bombing and mass shooting that killed 77 people on July 22, 2011, as arrives for a detention hearing at a court in Oslo, Norway. Norwegian prosecutors on Wednesday March 7, 2012 indicted Anders Behring Breivik on terror and murder charges for slaying 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage but said the confessed mass killer likely won't go to prison for the country's worst peacetime massacre. Prosecutors said they consider the 33-year-old right-wing extremist psychotic and will seek a sentence of involuntary commitment to psychiatric care instead of imprisonment unless new information about his mental health emerges during the trial set to start in April. (Foto:Heiko Junge, Scanpix Norway, File/AP/dapd) NORWAY OUT
挪威恐怖襲擊兇犯佈雷維克圖片來源: dapd

(德國之聲中文網)77人死亡,800多人受到傷害,至少150名證人 - 對奧斯陸恐怖襲擊凶手安德斯‧貝林-佈雷維克(Anders Behring Breivik)的庭審成為挪威近期以來取證範圍最廣的一次的司法審理程序。4月16日開始的庭審,主要旨在重溫犯罪過程,以助於分析判斷犯罪動機以及兇犯在犯罪過程中是否失去理智。


Blumen, Flaggen und Kerzen stehen im Gedenken an die Opfer am Freitag (19.08.2011) gegenüber der Fjordinsel Utoya in Norwegen. Vier Wochen nach der Bombenexplosion in Oslo und dem Massaker in einem Ferienlager auf der Fjordinsel Utöya gedenkt Norwegen der 77 Toten mit einer dreitägigen Trauerfeier. Foto: Hannibal dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
受害者親屬來到於特島圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


恐怖襲擊案兇犯是否精神不正常? 兩名精神病科的法醫對此進行了鑑定。去年11月,一個專家小組曾確定佈雷維克患有偏執型精神分裂症。然而,兩名精神科法醫上周得出的診斷結果卻截然不同。他們認為,兇犯除了患有自戀型和反社會型人格障礙之外,沒有精神方面的疾病。

Norwegian prosecutors Svein Holden, right, and Inga Bejer Engh comment on the psychiatric evaluation of Anders Behring Breivik at a press conference at Oslo police station Tuesday Nov. 29, 2011. Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik was insane when he killed 77 people in a bomb and shooting rampage in Norway, and should be sent to a psychiatric ward instead of prison, prosecutors said Tuesday. A psychiatric evaluation ordered by an Oslo court found that Breivik was "psychotic" during the July 22 attacks _ the country's worst peacetime massacre _ which means he's not mentally fit to be sentenced to prison, prosecutors told reporters. (Foto:Cornelius Poppe/Scanpix Norway/AP/dapd)
精神病學科法醫圖片來源: dapd



被告本人對第二個鑑定結果感到滿意。 佈雷維克的目的是利用出庭的機會來宣揚他的激進主義觀點。只有在被鑑定是心智健全的情況下,他的話才會被當真。他並不後悔自己的行為。在法醫公佈了對他的第二次鑑定結果後,他通過他的律師蓋爾‧利佩斯塔德(Geir Lippestad)表示,他將在法庭上對未能傷害更多的人表示遺憾。其辯護方還宣佈,庭審時將傳召激進伊斯蘭分子和右翼極端分子參加旁聽,證明被告在準備和實施襲擊時並非走火入魔,而是挪威確實處於戰爭之中。

Angehörige der Opfer setzen am Freitag (19.08.2011) auf die Fjordinsel Utoya in Norwegen über. Vier Wochen nach der Bombenexplosion in Oslo und dem Massaker in einem Ferienlager auf der Fjordinsel Utöya gedenkt Norwegen der 77 Toten mit einer dreitägigen Trauerfeier. Foto: Hannibal dpa
襲擊受害者圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

其辯護律師還提出讓2012年3月底被奧斯陸勞動法院以死亡和恐怖威脅罪判處5年有期徒刑的伊斯蘭極端分子首領克雷卡(Mullar Krekar)以及部落格作家彼得‧詹森(Peder Jensen)出庭作證。詹森曾幫助佈雷維克起草其所謂的宣言,他在宣言中寫下了他的行為動機。


作者:Agnes Buhrig 編譯:李京慧


LINK: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,15875829,00.html