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This is a Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2007, file photo of Iceland's President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson as testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington. Iceland's President Grimsson on Tuesday Jan 5, 2010 , blocked a bill to pay Britain and the Netherlands $5.7 billion for losses from the collapse of one of its banks, threatening to undermine the crippled North Atlantic nation's attempts to repair international relations. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
圖片來源: AP


冰島國民將於本周六投票選出新一屆總統。挑戰已經執政16年的冰島現任總統格裡姆松(Olafur Ragnar Grimsson )的是37歲的女記者阿諾爾多提爾(Thora Arnorsdottir)。最新的民調結果顯示,69歲的現任總統以23萬6千票左右的明顯優勢領先。冰島總共有32萬人口,2008年受金融危機的影響尤其強烈。首都雷克雅未克(Reykjavik)的政府已經向歐盟遞交了入盟申請。現任總統格裡姆松本人反對入盟。按計劃,此次總統大選結果將於當地時間本周日(7月1日)清晨得以公佈。