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A fire engine arrives at the scene of explosions near judicial buildings in Benghazi July 28, 2013. Explosions rocked Benghazi on Sunday in what appeared to be attacks on judicial buildings, a security official said, a day after more than 1,100 inmates escaped during a prison riot there. Ten people were slightly wounded in one of the blasts which targeted a court in the north of the city, said Mohammed al-Hijazy, a spokesman for Benghazi security operations. REUTERS/Esam Al-Fetori (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters

利比亞副總理巴拉西(Awad al-Baraasi)宣佈辭職。巴拉西辭職的理由是,扎伊丹總理領導的利比亞政府未能貫徹法治和秩序。此外政府無法取得民眾信任。扎伊丹已經接受了其副手的辭職申請。巴拉西來自穆斯林兄弟會成立的公正與重建黨。過去數月內,利比亞安全部隊以及西方國家在該國的設施多次成為恐怖襲擊對象。今年7月,1000多名監獄囚犯從班加西成功越獄。
