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Chip Starnes, the co-owner of Coral Springs, looks on from behind window bars as he is held hostage by workers inside his plant, on the outskirts of Beijing, June 25, 2013. The American executive of a company producing speciality medical supplies in China said he has been detained by workers demanding severance packages since last Friday. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (CHINA - Tags: SOCIETY BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters

(德國之聲中文網)總部位於佛羅里達州的美國專用醫療用品公司共同業主斯塔恩斯(Chip Starnes)在北京懷柔設廠多年,雇員超過100,自己掙了錢,也為解決不少中國人的溫飽問題作出一定貢獻。因薪資和遣散費糾紛,他被懷柔雇員扣為人質,至本周三(6月26日),進入第5天,雖人身安全可能無虞,但精神上所受折磨和痛苦可想而知。《商報》發自北京的一篇署名文章指出,這一事件是中國勞工個人意識越來越強的最新事例:


Chip Starnes, president of Florida-based Speciality Medical Supplies, looks back as he returns to the room where he is being detained while factory workers block journalists trying to follow him after his news conference at the company's factory on the outskirts of Beijing June 26, 2013. Starnes, a U.S. executive held captive by workers in his Beijing factory since Friday, said the dispute that has kept him behind the plant's barred windows was a misunderstanding over pay. Starnes said his lawyers were in talks with the workers with mediation from the district labour administration and labour union. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT CIVIL UNREST)
行動起來的工人圖片來源: Reuters

「在這一最新事件中,當局也十分奇怪地置身度外。比如,雖然得到了扣押人質的報告,懷柔的警方依然不採取行動。警方稱,『我們不認為這是一次綁架,而是勞資糾紛』…… 。


Flags belonging to the U.S. and China flutter through a closed gate at a factory where Chip Starnes, the co-owner of Coral Springs, is being held hostage, on the outskirts of Beijing, June 25, 2013. The American executive of a company producing speciality medical supplies in China said he has been detained by workers demanding severance packages since last Friday. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (CHINA - Tags: SOCIETY CIVIL UNREST BUSINESS)
斯塔恩斯在懷柔所建工廠房頂上飄揚的美中兩國國旗圖片來源: Reuters



根據時間表,投資25億美元的中國石油天然氣集團公司(中石油)在緬甸馬德島(Maday Island)的深水港、石油天然氣管道項目將從2014年起部分啟動經營。該項目遭到當地不少居民的反對。6月26日一期的《南德意志報》在政治欄目上刊登一篇署名文章指出,馬德島項目是中國「兩洋戰略」的組成部分:


A picture made available on 03 June 2013 shows a general view of the deep sea port on Maday Island part of a pipeline project in Kyauk Phyu, Rakhine state, Myanmar, 29 May 2013. Myanmar's 800 km long natural gas pipeline from the country's western coast to the Myanmar-China border has been completed on schedule, officials said 03 June 2013. 'The Myanmar-China natural gas pipeline has been finished and is ready for trial operations,' said an official of the state-owned Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), which commissioned the Chinese built 2.5 billion US dollar project to lay two pipeline across central Myanmar. A second pipeline to deliver oil to Yunnan, southern China, is 97 percent complete and scheduled to start flowing in September or October, the official said. Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise, under the Ministry of Energy, signed a deal with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to form a joint venture to build the two Myanmar pipelines on 26 March 2009. EPA/STR pixel Schlagworte pixel Überschrift Myanmar completes 800... Personen Kontinent - Land Birma Provinz - Ort Maday Island pixel Rechtliche Daten Bildrechte Verwendung nur in Deutschland Besondere Hinweise - Rechtevermerk
馬德島港圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


