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在對華徵收懲罰性關稅問題上 歐盟保持強硬態度

--FILE--Chinese workers manufacture photovoltaic cells of solar panels at the plant of Eoplly New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in Nantong city, east Chinas Jiangsu province, 21 February 2011. The US on Wednesday (9 November 2011) opened an official investigation into whether imported Chinese solar cells were unfairly undercutting American products, the first such case in the renewable energy sector. The complaint alleges that solar cells from China are being dumped in the US, with normal prices between 50 per cent and 250 per cent higher than the export price. If the commerce department finds evidence of dumping or of unfair state subsidy, compensatory tariffs can be imposed on the Chinese imports. Photo: Xu Ruiping/Imaginechina
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


代表歐洲40多家光伏企業利益的行業協會歐洲光伏產業聯盟EU Pro Sun,在歐盟指責來自中國的光伏企業獲得政府補貼,在歐洲市場進行傾銷,導致諸多歐洲光伏企業紛紛破產。中國方面駁斥指責。剛剛結束對德國訪問的中國國務院總理李克強警告歐洲展開貿易戰對雙方的負面影響。德國政府反對歐盟計劃對中國的光伏產品徵收懲罰性關稅。