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A youth, affected by what activists say is nerve gas, is treated at a hospital in the Duma neighbourhood of Damascus August 21, 2013. Syrian activists accused President Bashar al-Assad's forces of launching a nerve gas attack on rebel-held districts near Damascus on Wednesday that they said killed more than 200 people. There was no immediate comment from Syrian authorities, who have denied using chemical weapons during the country's two-year conflict, and have accused rebels of using them, which the rebels deny. REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CONFLICT)
圖片來源: Reuters


聯合國安理會要求澄清關於敘利亞內戰中動用化學武器的新指控。安理會本月輪值主席、阿根廷大使帕西瓦爾(Maria Cristina Perceval)當地時間周三(8月21日)在安理會特別會議結束後要求查清事實。敘利亞反對派日前指控政府軍,在首都大馬士革近郊的一次大規模攻勢中使用毒氣彈,製造大屠殺,導致1300人喪生。敘政府否認這一指控。安理會15個成員國對敘利亞局勢的這一最新發展「深表不安」。不過,大馬士革政權的支持者俄羅斯和中國阻止安理會發表一份相關聲明。多個歐洲國家以及美國政府要求大馬士革當局同意目前已在敘境內的聯合國核查專家介入調查。