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The leadership of Germany's Free Democratic Party (FDP) observe a moment of silence as Germany's Vice Chancellor and FDP Chairman Philipp Roesler (C) informs the party that a German armed forces Bundeswehr soldier was killed in Afghanistan, on the second day of an extraordinary FDP Party meeting in Nuremberg May 5, 2013. He was the first soldier in two years to be killed in action. Germany's Free Democrats fighting to renew their coalition with Angela Merkel's conservatives in September's election, could face damaging new splits when they thrash out a position on a minimum wage at their weekend congress. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters

德國聯邦經濟部長勒斯勒爾(Philipp Rösler)在接受德國《世界報》周日版採訪時表示,他不贊成歐盟對中國產太陽能板徵收懲罰性關稅。他說這將是「錯誤的方式」。歐盟委員會啟動對中國太陽能產業傾銷案的調查,勒斯勒爾稱,歐盟方面應該採取「協商和對話的方式解決,而不應該以威脅相要」。他還強調,如果歐盟真的對中國徵收懲罰性關稅,中國方面必然會採取反制措施,德國經濟「對此類表示極大擔憂」。