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NEW YORK, NY - MAY 15: Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Ja'afari speaks out against a UN resolution calling for a political transition in Syria on May 15, 2013 in New York City. The 193-member UN General Assembly was to vote on an Arab-backed resolution condemning the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad for human rights abuses and its escalating use of heavy weapons in the country's civil war. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images

據路透社報導,敘利亞常駐聯合國代表賈法裡(Bashar Ja'afari)周三稱,反對派發動三起襲擊事件,導致敘利亞政府軍士兵吸入毒氣。賈法裡要求聯合國秘書長潘基文下令目前位於大馬士革的化學武器專家小組前往調查。賈法裡稱,三起襲擊事件分別發生於22日、24日和25日,地點位於大馬士革市郊。賈法裡此番表態前,聯合國安理會五個常任理事國舉行閉門會議。英國提議制定決議草案,就上周敘利亞據稱發生的化武襲擊迅速予以回應。閉門會議後,各國代表未就此發表評論。