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敘利亞暴力未止 約80人死亡

Syrians walk through blood and debris in a neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, after a raid by Syrian troops killed several rebels and civilians Thursday, April 5, 2012. Syrian troops launched a fierce assault Thursday, days ahead of a deadline for a U.N.-brokered cease-fire, with activists describing it as one of the most violent attacks around the capital since the year-old uprising began. (Foto:AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


敘利亞總統阿薩德仍未停止行動,繼續打擊反政府力量。總部設在倫敦的敘利亞人權觀察組織發布消息稱,僅本周六(4月7日)就有約80人被殺。其中大多數死者在哈馬省阿拉瑪納地區(Al-Latmana)遇難。據人權觀 察消息,在那裡至少有40位平民被政府軍殺害。