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Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, speaks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they prepare to deliver joint statements after their meeting and a lunch in the Israeli leader's Jerusalem residence, Monday, June 25, 2012. Netanyahu says Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees that a nuclear Iran would pose a "grave danger" to the world. Netanyahu pressed for further sanctions on the Islamic Republic to quash its budding nuclear program. In statements after their meeting Monday, Putin acknowledged that the talks covered Iran and the uprising in Syria, but added that he saw negotiations as the only solution for such matters. (Foto:Jim Hollander, Pool/AP/dapd)
Putin Benjamin Netanjahu Jerusalem Israel Pressekonferenz圖片來源: AP

俄羅斯總統普丁在以色列參加了一座紀念二戰期間蘇聯紅軍抵抗納粹德國戰鬥的紀念碑揭幕儀式。在臨近特拉維夫的海港城市內坦亞(Netanja),普丁與以色列總統佩雷斯(Schimon Peres)一道為紀念碑揭幕。接下來,普丁和以色列總理納坦雅胡进行了會談,其中主要話題包括敘利亞局勢和伊朗核問題。納坦雅胡在會談中表示,希望進一步加強對伊朗的制裁和要求。他還請求普丁向巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席阿巴斯轉達重啟和平談判的邀請。周二,普丁將在伯利恆(Bethlehem)與阿巴斯共同參加一個俄羅斯科學與文化中心的開幕儀式。此後他還將赴約旦訪問。