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epa03244908 Romanian prime minister Victor Ponta addresses the media during a common press conference held together with his polish counterpart Donald Tusk, not pictured, at the end of the EU summit named ''EU Friends of Cohesion", at Parliament Palace in Bucharest, Romania, 01 June 2012. The European UnionOs cohesion policy is focused on reducing the economic and social disparities between regions through the use of financial instruments that would help implement development goals. Prime ministers and high level representatives from siixteen EU member states attend the meeting to discuss the situation in Greece as well as future fiscal and economic policies. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
羅馬尼亞總理彭塔圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


歐盟委員會譴責羅馬尼亞政府系統性踐踏法治國家並使司法的獨立性受到破壞。歐盟周三公佈的一份相關報告指出,目前羅馬尼亞政府同總統以及憲法法院的權力鬥爭讓人特別憂慮,並懷疑該國是否尊重法治國家的原則。歐盟委員會要求在今年年底前,羅馬尼亞政府必須收回一些政令。數月來,羅馬尼亞總理彭塔(Victor Ponta)使用緊急政令等手段推動對現總統巴塞奇庫的罷免活動。在這個過程中,彭塔不屑同憲法法院就這一程序的規定產生重大分歧。