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FILE - Two men raise their fist in celebration for the new year, in front of a huge inflateble EU flag that is kept in a vertical state by air jets, at University Plazza in Bucharest, Monday 01 January 2007. On 01 January 2007, Romania officially joined European Union. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

 歐盟和歐洲理事會就歐盟加入「歐洲人權公約」達成共識。歐洲理事會秘書長亞格蘭(Jagland )在斯特拉斯堡說,為實現一個統一的法律空間,這是關鍵的一步。該公約包括了所有人權和基本權利的相關條款。歐洲人權法院負責監督公約的落實情況。