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--FILE--Chinese workers manufacture photovoltaic cells of solar panels at the plant of Eoplly New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. in Nantong city, east Chinas Jiangsu province, 21 February 2011. The US on Wednesday (9 November 2011) opened an official investigation into whether imported Chinese solar cells were unfairly undercutting American products, the first such case in the renewable energy sector. The complaint alleges that solar cells from China are being dumped in the US, with normal prices between 50 per cent and 250 per cent higher than the export price. If the commerce department finds evidence of dumping or of unfair state subsidy, compensatory tariffs can be imposed on the Chinese imports. Photo: Xu Ruiping/Imaginechina
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德國之聲中文網)歐盟欲對中國製造的廉價太陽能電池板徵收懲罰性關稅,德國官方日前對此予以反對。德國總理府發言人賽伯特(Steffen Seibert)周一(5月13日)表示,梅克爾總理始終認為,最好的方法是與中國達成共識,德國及歐盟應當在此基礎上,實現中國進口產品的公平競爭。賽伯特還指出,歐盟委員會並沒有這樣做,而是自行做出了決定。


A Chinese paramilitary police officer reacts to having his photograph taken in front of the image of the European Union (EU) flag at the EU embassy in Beijing, China, 02 November 2007. EU officials are proposing increased anti-dumping measures following continued accusations that China is engaging in unfair trade practices, causing friction in bilateral relations. EU steel producers and textile manufacturers claim China hoards an enormous trade surplus while maintaining strict trade barriers. The EU is China's largest trading partner, ahead of the US and Japan, as Chinese exports to the EU increased nearly 21 percent year-on-year in 2006, according to the European Commission. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
中歐之間會發生貿易戰麼?圖片來源: picture-alliance / dpa



德國聯邦經濟部則表示,該部門已經呼籲中方與歐盟委員會開展"有針對性的"政治磋商,從而達成雙方都可接受的方案。經濟部一名發言人表示,歐盟委員會目前的立場過於強硬,歐委會做出決策時,應當考慮各種變數。經濟部擔心,如果歐委會執意對中國太陽能產品反傾銷,將會有爆發歐中貿易戰的風險,屆時,德國的其他產業也會遭到衝擊。據德國《明鏡周刊》報導,德國經濟部長勒斯勒爾(Philipp Rösler)周二將與歐盟貿易專員德古赫特(Karel De Gucht)會晤,並就此事商談。


來源:路透社、明鏡周刊                  編譯:文山
