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每日報摘 2012年7月11日


德媒認為,人們對中國經濟的擔憂在增加,就連對中國樂觀的西方專家也有了懷疑。人們期待中國經濟軟著陸,但為此必須進行深刻的政治改革,因為許多問題與現行體制和裙帶關係有關。-- 摘自《法蘭克福匯報》、《法蘭克福評論報》

** TO GO WITH THE STORY SLUGGED CHINA THE GREAT PARADOX ** A statue of communist founder Mao Zedong stands in front of a bank billboard in Zhengzhou in central China, Oct. 17, 2002. As it convenes a congress that is expected to install a new generation of leaders, the ruling Communist Party is trying to transform itself in order to stay relevant amid economic and social reforms that it unleashed. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
圖片來源: AP
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