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比利時貨運列車出軌 裝載有毒化學品車廂爆炸

Aerial picture taken on May 4, 2013 of an exploded freight train on a track near Schellebelle, 20 kms east of Gent on May 4, 2013. Belgian authorities on May 4 evacuated nearly 300 people from their homes after several cars of a train carrying chemicals derailed, causing a major fire near the city of Gent. Nobody was hurt in the accident which happened around 2:00 am (0000 GMT) between the towns of Schellebelle and Wetteren, said Infrabel, the entity responsible for the Belgian railway network. AFP PHOTO / BELGA / BENOIT DOPPAGNE -Belgium Out- (Photo credit should read BENOIT DOPPAGNE/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: BENOIT DOPPAGNE/AFP/Getty Images

