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A man shouts slogans in support of the impeachment of suspended Romanian President Traian Basescu, depicted on banner in a prison cell, during a rally by anti-Basescu parties in Bucharest, Romania, Thursday May 17 2007. Some thousands gathered demanding a vote for the impeachment of Basescu in the upcoming May 19 referendum. The Romanian Parliament suspended Basescu, on April 19, for 30 days to organize a national referendum on his impeachment for alleged serious constitutional abuses.(AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)
圖片來源: AP


羅馬尼亞政府號召1830萬選民本周日(7月29日)舉行公投,決定是否罷免現總統巴塞斯庫(Traian Basescu)。經歷了長達數月的政治危機後,蓬塔(Victor Ponta)總理為首的社會—自由聯合政府以瀆職罪提出了舉行罷免巴塞斯庫總統的全民公決動議。最新民調結果顯示,目前,約三分之二選民對巴塞斯庫持反對態度。許多選民指責他要對羅馬尼亞實施嚴格財政緊縮政策負責。不過,由於羅馬尼亞選舉投票率一向較低,此次公投結果是否有效尚在未定之數。原因是,根據羅馬尼亞憲法,全民公決的投票率不得低於50%,否則,公投無效。巴塞斯庫所在的政黨已呼籲選民抵制投票。