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JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - MARCH 19: (ISRAEL OUT) Israeli children wave flags during a rehearsal, a day a head of the arrival of US President Barack Obama at the president's residence on March 19, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel. Obama will make his first visit as President to the region tomorrow, and his itinerary will include meetings with the Palestinian and Israeli leaders as well as a visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images

在以色列對於各方就伊朗核計劃簽訂的過渡性協議提出尖銳批評之後,美國總統歐巴馬向以色列總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanjahu)保證,美國堅定地站在以色列一邊。據白宮方面透露,歐巴馬在與納坦雅胡通電話時表示,參與各方將在未來幾個月內尋找長期解決伊朗核衝突的途徑,並且顧及到國際社會對於德黑蘭核計劃的擔憂。歐巴馬表示,他可以理解納坦雅胡的懷疑。但國際社會的共同目標仍然是防止伊朗擁有核武器。此前,納坦雅胡将有關伊朗核問題的協議簽訂稱作是"歷史性的錯誤",認為德黑蘭又向著發展核武器的方向邁進了一步。在經過多年的談判之後,五個聯合國安理會常任理事國和德國與伊朗簽署的協議在國際上獲得了廣泛的贊許。