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Der Vorsitzende Richter Manfred Götzl (2.v.l.) und sein Staatsschutzsenat stehen am 06.05.2013 in München (Bayern) zu Beginn des sogenannten NSU-Prozesses im Gerichtssaal. Vor dem Oberlandesgericht beginnt heute der Prozess um die Morde und Terroranschläge des «Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds» (NSU). Das Verfahren gilt schon heute als einer der bedeutendsten Strafprozesse in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik. Foto: Peter Kneffel/dpa
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

(德國之聲中文網)美國最高法院4月底做出裁決,美國民事法院只受理與美國有關的跨國公司境外侵權訴訟案。通過這一裁決,最高法院駁回了"基奧貝勒起訴殼牌公司"一案。殼牌石油康采恩被控在90年代參與奈及利亞的謀殺和侵犯人權的行為。原告是生活在尼日爾河三角洲的奧戈尼人前發言人基奧貝勒(Barinem Kiobel)的遺孀。她指控殼牌公司故意做偽證,導致其夫被判死刑。


Shell's Environment Vice President, Allard Castelein, passes a banner of Friends of the Earth activists as he arrives for the start of the court case of Nigerian farmers against Shell, in The Hague, Netherlands, Wednesday Jan. 30, 2013. Dutch judges are ruling in a landmark civil action by Nigerian farmers who want to hold oil giant Shell liable for poisoning their fish ponds and farmlands with leaking pipelines. The decision being announced Wednesday could set a legal precedent for holding multinationals responsible for their actions overseas. Lawyers for the four Nigerians from the oil-rich Niger delta argue Shell makes key policy decisions at its Hague headquarters, so the Dutch court has jurisdiction. (Foto:Peter Dejong/AP/dapd)
針對殼牌公司的抗議活動圖片來源: AP



這一點為科倫沃斯律師(Collingsworth)帶來希望。他是阿根廷梅賽德斯 - 賓士公司企業委員會中失蹤或死亡者親屬的律師。1976年至1978年軍事獨裁統治期間,企業委員會中至少有8人,有人甚至估計可能有20名成員被逮捕,受到酷刑和被殺害。

The giant logo of German vehicle maker Daimler's Mercedes-Benz sits on the top of its head office building in Beijing on October 11, 2010. Booming auto sales in China are leading manufacturers to step up production so fast that the government worries about 'blind investment' in the sector, were over capacities could be built up in a couple of years time, according to analysts. AFP PHOTO/GOU YIGE (Photo credit should read GOU YIGE/AFP/Getty Images)
戴姆勒在中國的工廠圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

自2004年以來,科倫沃斯以美國批准的禁止酷刑公約和加利福尼亞州的聯邦法律為依據,在三藩市對戴姆勒公司提出訴訟。他說:"三藩市上訴法院贊同我們的意見,並在2011年11月同意受理訴訟。"法院認為: "該公司在加利福尼亞州的收益巨大,應該服從美國法律。"

而戴姆勒公司認為,對這些指控應該在公司總部所在地德國或者案發地點阿根廷進行審理。但直到2003年,阿根廷一直實施大赦法。阿根廷的受害者律師法夏爾(Eduardo Fachal)說:"我們對戴姆勒公司提出了訴訟,但是調查陷入僵局。"




An unidentified Shell worker stands next to a sign 'welcome to Bonga offshore oil vessel' off the coast of Nigeria, Monday, Dec. 26, 2011. Officials with Royal Dutch Shell PLC say they've contained the worst Nigeria offshore oil spill in more than a decade. Shell officials said Monday that the Dec. 20 spill that saw less than 40,000 barrels of oil pouring into the Atlantic Ocean has been dispersed. Shell officials acknowledged those aboard the Bonga vessel only noticed the spill after seeing it in the morning light, likely hours after it began leaking. (Foto:Sunday Alamba/AP/dapd)
位於非洲的跨國公司鑽油平台圖片來源: AP


作者:Gaby Weber 編譯:李京慧
